Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Hope & Life

A heartfelt tribute to all the bravehearts who are the flag bearers of hope and life in the dark depth of life threatening cancer...Dedicating the series to my adorable baby Aahana, who's undergoing treatment. The first one is her story...And I am very sure - The Lotus shall bloom someday soon and bring smile on her face...

Here the series goesπŸ‘‡πŸΌ

1. I just started twinkling with the stars, rolling on the grass bed. Ohh! Something's hurting inside, I am in pain, but can't speak. Hence this loud cry.

2. They say, I'll be fine. I don't know when. The pain is unbearable. My old age doubles it. When will I go back home? My garden is waiting for me, the plants are calling.

3. No, it's not a matter of surgery or chemotherapy. An all together different life is waiting on the other side. I wish, I would not neglect seeing a doctor earlier.

4. If I survive, that I am quite sure of, I won't let anyone around me deprived of the awareness. I'll dedicate rest of my life for this cause and write my story of victory.

5. Yes, I have the guts to roam around with a scarf on my head, puffy face, nonexistent eyebrows as I am confident, everything will fall in place soon.

6. Seeing me in the initial growth of hair after the chemo sessions, the interviewer thought I am a dopey, a drug addict. He doesn't know my latest reports are a doctor's delight.

7. I often meet people in the hospital, who share the same fate as mine. I tell them, the bad cells will be completely washed away from their body just as mine.

8. This unbearable pain can't deter her from seeing herself with an absolutely healthy body and hair as long as they could be. She won't lose faith no matter what.

9. Those little and quick catching ups at the School corridors made me feel so connected to you still. You braved through your pain with a smile on your face till the end.


  1. This is simply beautiful! It feels great waking up to this. Absolutely amazing!

  2. Finite disappointment should not let us lose infinite hope! Your Power-packed words narrate the rest....!!!
