Wednesday 19 August 2015

Male-Female Mindset Or.....???

Apart from the choice of food, where they both (my husband & son) are pure Veggies and I'm a Non-Veg eater...
Perhaps, we three share similar ideologies but ONE - Where they both believe they're very strong because they have the ability to deal with their sorrows and keep their lives in order without showing those to others and I believe that the ability to share feelings and emotions with others is a sign of strength which I have because I'm not afraid of letting others see those...
Is this just a contradiction of the Male-Female Mindset Or.....???

My son says - 

This surely is a contradiction of Male-Female Mindset Mom. It actually is our perception that makes a difference in the way we think... The major fault in our society's perception is that boys are taught to be hardcore and tough whereas girls from the 
beginning are taught to be sweet and moderate. This is what makes all the difference between Male & Female what you call 'Male-Female Mindset'. This fatal pre-concieved notion of our society should definitely be abolished and this clash of your and our mindsets is nothing but absolutely natural so we cannot help it until the society decides to help it... 

unsure emoticonOn a lighter note, I just remembered your scrumptious delicacies when u addressed me as a 'VEGGIE' !!

Myself in response-
You are
 absolutely right son, it's definitely a perception, but being the integral part of the society, we ourselves should be the change if we want to see it in the society. Isn't it???

My friend Gurukanya says - 

I do agree...... its true......

Myself in response -
Thank you Gurukanya.

My friend Deepti says -
Absolutely. It's scientifically proven. We are wired to share and they're wired to not. That's why men are from mars and women ..well u know

Myself in response -
Yeah Deepti
, I know it well, we are stronger with our sharing spirit ..., that's why nobody dares, not even NASA or ISRO to go to Venus. Only Mars Missions!!!

My friend Jailatha says -
While agreeing to your concept I would like to add that what these men think as a strength to control their emotions it is actually a fear. A fear that their weakness will surface and show how vulnerable they are. This is again in line with our social norms. But the society needs to be reminded time and again that it is to the power of feminity they turn to in times of crisis. Our mythology has enough such instances.
And yes Venus is unconquerable until she wishes!!

Myself in response -
You are absolutely right Jailatha. There are many such examples of women's strength in different portrayals everywhere...

If we look into Hindu Mythology, Mahabharata says, when Yudhisthira came to know about his relation with Karna as his brother only af
ter Karna's death, he was in deepest grief & blamed mother Kunti for the entire war of Mahabharata by concealing the whole truth & cursed all of womankind by saying they would never be able to keep in their heart a secret...
To my understanding, it's not a curse at all, rather a learning lesson for the whole mankind irrespective of different genders. So no one should keep such emotions of ordeal within, that harms one's own self or the others. Because if the truth had not been hidden, there wouldn't have been the war of devastation, The Mahabharata. Anyways, such discussions are endless...

On an ending note, I'm happy of the fact that I am capable of sharing my emotions that certainly strengthens me by enhancing my happiness & lessening my sorrows... smile emoticon

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